Picking the Best Offer

Dealing with multiple offers on your home is a good problem to have, but it can be really tough to choose the best. You have a lot to consider, so it’s imperative that you rely on your Realtor® to convey all of the information quickly and simply (she will—that’s her job).

It’s very rare that a “perfect” offer comes along. Each has its strengths and weaknesses, and you will have to decide whether to accept, counter-offer or decline.

Remember: every offer is negotiable.

Before You Get Offers

Make sure that you set parameters for the offers you receive before you receive them. If the price is more important than anything else is, but you’re willing to move the closing date one way or the other, make sure you have a plan. It’s okay to reject offers that don’t fit in with your plan.

Picking the Best Offer

Don’t take the offers you receive personally, either. It’s a business transaction; you don’t know the buyers and they don’t know you. Everything that transpires after an offer, unless it’s immediately accepted, is part of the negotiation process—so don’t let low-ball offers bother you. Instead, use them as a valuable tool in making your own counter-offer to the counter-offer.

Realtors are expert negotiators, so if an offer interests you but you’re not completely on-board with it, tell your agent. The back-and-forth process is what will get you what you want from your home, and it’s what will leave buyers satisfied and knowing that they made the right decision.

Let’s Put Your “KBG” Home on the Market

Call me at “419-704-0804” or contact me online. I can explain the entire selling process to you, from start to finish, and help you get the best possible price for your home.